Technical Information

Minimum System Configuration

Recommended System Configuration

Technical Comments

This program was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic version 4.0 (Professional Edition). The distribution package includes the base program, the Visual Basic Support files, the database and image files. This is a 16-bit program that is compatible with Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and OS/2 Warp. A 32-bit edition of the program is planned for the future, but this edition will require Windows 95.

The Visual Basic Support files are a set of DLLs and OCXs that need to exist in the \WINDOWS and \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories for this program to run. The setup program is smart enough to see if you have these files already installed and will not install them unless they do not already exist or they are more current than the files already installed.

I strongly recommend that your system should have more than 8 megabytes of memory to run this program, especially if you have Windows 95 or OS/2 installed. This program does not require a great amount of CPU processing power, but it does tend to use a lot of load modules to provide all of the nice features. It also will do a lot of disk I/O to load those modules and to access the database and image files. Where possible, I've tried to reduce the memory requirements to the minimum and to defer disk accesses until I absolutely have to, but you should expect delays when you first start the program and when you access the Catalog or Inventory forms for the first time.

Copyright © 1996 Just Plane Crazy

This page was last updated on 19 Apr 96.

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